SagolaSPRAY Virtual Reality Spray Painting Booth

Sagola - An Elcometer Company

SagolaSPRAY™ has been designed and developed by real, professional spray painters.

The combined experience of Sagola and Elcometer has allowed us to create an exceptional experience – virtually. Simply install the software on to your headset and start spraying.



Our team of spray paint technicians have worked hard to capture the true feeling of using our spray guns.

We believe that using VR helps us to develop muscle memory and to understand how the paint, gun and surface work together to create the final result. An experience that can be taught in a classroom environment without the need for paint or products.

Once the job is complete you’ll be able to review your technique and see where and how improvements can be made.

It couldn’t be easier, just complete, repeat and improve.

If you like SagolaSPRAY™ virtually,

then you will love our guns in real life