Virtual Reality for Spray Painting Training
Developed by real spray paint technicians for people to learn, teach and perfect the art of spray painting.
Fan Pattern


Sagola SPRAY teaches spray techniques that can be practiced again and again.

Learning in a VR environment is environmentally friendly, saving paint, materials and time.

Get instant feedback and learn from your mistakes, just complete & repeat!

Learn how to hold the gun at the perfect distance to ensure a perfect finish.

Fan Pattern
Learn how to adjust your hand positioning to achieve the correct angle for spraying.

Get to know the speed of the spray gun and learn how you need to move with it.
Who Is SagolaSPRAY™ for?

Students & Beginners
- Learn new painting techniques and get instant feedback.
- Ask questions easily without removing breathing apparatus.
- See how your skills compare to your classmates.

Teachers, Colleges & Training Centres
- Reduce real spray time learning, product and preparation resources.
- Customisable training to hone students skills on a variety of items.
- Teach the whole class at once with a hands on experience.

Industry & Professionals
- Improve employees speed, precision and paint consumption.
- Train employees on new products before entering the real world environment.
- 'Try before you hire' - test future employees before employment.

Realistic Spray

No Custom Equipment Required

Multiple Industries

Training & Learning Modes

Select Items To Paint

Score Grading & Heatmaps